Hackintosh Blog

Install macOS on your PC

Odkąd pojawił się macOS Catalina, macOS Mojave jak i starsze systemy nie są już dostępne w App Store. Jednakże nadal otrzymasz plik instalacyjny, … jeśli wiesz gdzie go szukać. Apple na szczęście stworzyło boczną furtkę w App Store, by można było ściągnąć pliki instalacyjne starszych systemów operac...

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I think that's the guide everyone was waiting for. Alpha01 (aka Altemirabelle) just published step by step instructions about installing macOS Mojave using (....drums....) Windows, without requirement of having a copy from macOS app store. Only stuff you need is:

  • working internet connection...

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Frustrated NVIDIA card users simply had enough and decided to do something with Apple constantly screwing things over with NVIDIA stuff. They wrote a petition demanding apple to stop blocking NVIDIA developers from accessing macOS Mojave source code.

Here's statement from NVIDIA developer:


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Ok, so this is starting to look really really bad for NVIDIA graphic card users, especially on macOS Mojave. Month after month is passing and there's still no new NVIDIA Web Drivers yet.Nothing. You know what that means ? Any hackintosh user with NVIDIA graphic card is forced to use older os. High S...

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Another interesting guide from razor1995: "macOS on PC requires you to patch USB ports mapping in order to have a full and correct support of all USB types. There are few ways to do that. You can patch DSDT or you can apply patch directly to clover. For this second method we have guide ready (i...

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